21st Century - Essay Framework 1

“Online film distribution will lead to the death of cinema.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

...in other words… write an essay that suggests this is true, then counter that with an argument that suggests it isn't..


Over the course of your response, you MUST include the following words in your PEE paragraphs…

  • Cinema attendances not as high as in golden age. In 2000-2015, leveled out, no significant improvement, slight drop.
  • Acknowledge the change in concumspiton trends available, and WHY they have developed.
  • Legal streaming (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Itunes, More Four etc)
  • Illegal streaming (MegaUpload, torrent sites, Pirate Bay etc)
  • CHEAPER Technological Convergence (smartphones, PS4/XBOX, Smart TVs, Blu Ray, HDTVs, home cinemas)
  • Case Study Texts to PROVE - A Field In England

However, it could be argued that…
Perhaps there is evidence to suggest that…
On the other hand…


  • Hollywood still a billion dollar industry. Revenue from films considerably on the rise.
  • Case Study Texts to PROVE - Monsters, The Marvel Cinematic Industry, Avatar, SW:TFA

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