Sunday 6 September 2015

Welcome to Film Studies

The Media & Film Department are Mr Dixon (HoD) and Mr Rose
  • 100% A - C in Film Studies last 3 years
  • 100% A - C in Media Studies last 5 years
  • Last year only one C in Film Studies at A Level
  • Two specialist classrooms (G8 and A3) and one specialist editing room (G1)
  • Full suite of 50 editing machines, 38 HD cameras, tripods, microphones, photography studio.
  • AS Units + A2 Units = a mark / 400 = A Level


Mr Rose uses twitter in many aspects of teaching. We tweet tutorials, instructions, help files, recaps, revisions aids, and helpful articles all the time.

You should ensure you maximise your chances of seeing these, and check twitter daily.

You will all set up a professional Film Studies twitter account in the next few lessons. However, if you have a personal twitter account, please follow Mr Rose now.

We will not (can not) follow your personal accounts. But we strongly encourage you to follow from all your accounts.

If you don't have twitter, you can still access the tweets at Add the URL to your bookmarks.

AS Film Studies Handbook...

You will be given a copy of the Handbook in your first lesson.

Unit F631: Coursework
50% AS, 25% whole A Level qualification 

Textual Analysis Essay (40 marks)
Planning (10 marks)
Creative Artefact (30 marks)
Evaluation (20 marks)
Total: 100 marksTotal: 100 marks

Unit F632: Exam
50% AS, 25% whole A Level qualification

1 x 40 mark question on2 film texts
2 x 30 mark questions on contemporary changes in film

Total: 100 marks

Mr Dixon is going to chat to you in more detail about the coursework unit next lesson.

Familiarise yourself with the mark scheme. Those gaining the best marks know how they are going to be assessed, and use this information to their advantage.

What do you need to do to ensure your work can be considered Level 4 and not Level 3 for example?

Media and Film Studies Blogs...

Media & Film Department Homepage 

Front portal for all of our digital resources, across the whole department. Go here first if lost.

F632 Blog

Mr Rose

Also follow Mark Kermode

Listen to and watch his blog

Also refer to the links to Screen Online and Media Magazine on the department Homepage

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